Detailed Description
HAPPY FAMILY in the Light of Divine Guidance discusses those teachings of Islatn that pertain to the fanlily life, which if followed, can bring into existence a happy family. What are the duties of husband and wife; if unpleasantness develops in their relationships and grievances against each other begin to develop, what are the methods to resolve them; what is the wisdom behind permitting polygamy; the nature of joint family in Islam; does Islam permit family planning; what are the duties and rights of parents and children; does Islam permit women to take part in economic activities; are the methods of separation if the husband and wife develop irreconcilable differences; what is the nature of compatibility, lineage, and family for marriage; what are the instructions that Islam gives about division of inheritance; all these questions and issues have been answered in this book in the light of the Quran, the Sunnah and the opinions of Islamic Jurists.